Melvin Media


Dec 18, 2023 | ~1 minute

Hey hey hey! I’ve recently started hosting private servers on my machine for games! Currentyl I have a Vault Hunters 3rd Edition minecraft modded server that I’ve been playing on. Currently just me and Javi playing this one, but from all of our hours it seems to be really stable. I can also host different game private servers for anyone that needs/wants something hosted off of their system for whatever reason.

Safety Not Guaranteed

Dec 18, 2023 | ~6 minutes

The hard drive I “repaired” didn’t burn down my appartment… yet. I ran a continuos test on all of the drives for 24hrs and no problems surfaced. So I dived down a rabbit hole. I want to use these drives to build a NAS, and only really have the drives and a QNAP 8-bay drive enclosure. My end goal for these is to build a dedicated tower PC using a Fract Define R5 which has ample room for 8 3.

My Second Post

Dec 15, 2023 | ~2 minutes

Well today was eventful :) I am currently building a NAS and found a guy on reddit who was selling a bunch of hard drives. “Well ain’t that perfect!” I said to myself. He was selling 16TB drives for about $12 a TB and I was able to talk him down to $10 per TB. He sent them in the mail same day and I received the package two days later (today).

My First Post

Dec 14, 2023 | ~1 minute

My first blog post is 1337 categories: [“Tech”] tags: [“Hugo”, “Tutorial”]